Did you know that only 7.5% of South African residents recycle?

As a result, over 90% of our waste that could be recycled ends up in landfills.

In a country dealing with many issues, recycling is not a priority, and falls on the wayside. At Regenize, we see that there is more to it than just ‘saving the environment’. It’s about making changes to our daily living that can impact our lives and others positively.

We created regenize to motivate people to recycle. Through recycling, we wanted to provide an avenue for recyclers to contribute toward positive social change. By recycling with Regenize, you are helping to shape a future where your environmental impact can be the catalyst for influencing industry behaviour, creating opportunities for communities to access recycling services and support for waste pickers – who are at the heart of driving recycling up in the country.

We provide a residential recycling collection service and reward residents with Remali when they recycle.

We provide a residential recycling collection service and reward residents with Remali when they recycle.


Cross Boundary Energy*


BaerSkin Campaign